VetEmCRIT Rounds: A Chat about Fibrinolysis

During these rounds, two Diplomates of American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (Laura Cole and Rachael Birkbeck) are discussing a post-operative bleeding in a dog that underwent an anal sacculectomy and sublumbar lymph node removal. Drs. Cole and Birkbeck talk about physiology and pathophysiology of fibrinolysis as well as DIC, viscoelastic testing and the reasons why hemorrhagic cavitary effusions do not clot.

Dr. Birkbeck’s review paper on hyperfibrinolysis in dogs and cats can be found here.

The acid-base analysis worksheet
DOWNLOAD the acid-base analysis worksheet [PDF] and watch FREE workshop on 10 essentials steps of acid-base analysis along with resuscitation of hypernatremic and hypokalemic patients with hypovolemia

Author: Laura Cole

Laura is a Diplomate ACVECC and ECVECC. She is a staff clinician in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care medicine at Royal Veterinary College, London. Her professional and research interests include Acute kidney injury, point-of-care ultrasound, extracorporeal therapies, electrolyte derangements, endocrinological emergencies.

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